Tax-free funds: Income-by-state percentages

Tax-free funds: Income-by-state percentages

For the calendar year 2021 income dividends received from investments in all classes of the Delaware Funds by Macquarie® national and state-specific tax-free funds were generally exempt from federal income tax. However, these dividends may or may not be exempt from state or local taxes. Please contact your tax advisor for details.

Listed here, on a state-by-state basis, are the percentages of interest income earned by Delaware Funds by Macquarie tax-free funds on municipal obligations of issuers in each such state during the calendar year 2021. The percentages are the same for all share classes of each fund.

A note about AMT

A portion of the income paid to Delaware Funds by Macquarie tax-free funds shareholders may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT) that applies to some investors. Under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, corporations are no longer subject to the alternative minimum tax for taxable years of the corporation beginning after December 31, 2017. See AMT percentages for more information.

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Percentage of interest income earned on municipal obligations, state by state, for 2021

State Delaware Tax-Free USA Intermediate Fund Delaware Tax-Free USA Fund Delaware National High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund
Alabama 0.65% 1.84% 3.52%
Alaska 0.11%
Arizona 7.94% 4.73% 7.69%
Arkansas 0.02%
California 12.19% 12.76% 12.64%
Colorado 2.05% 3.82% 2.56%
Connecticut 0.62% 0.93%
Delaware 0.08%
District of Columbia 1.03% 0.88% 2.17%
Florida 4.49% 5.60% 6.24%
Georgia 1.70% 0.72% 0.69%
Hawaii 0.26% 0.26%
Idaho 0.34% 0.18% 0.65%
Illinois 8.57% 8.33% 6.42%
Indiana 1.28% 1.30%
Iowa 0.07% 0.39%
Kansas 0.16% 0.57% 0.40%
Kentucky 0.44% 0.64%
Louisiana 1.45% 0.61% 1.69%
Maine 0.02% 0.01% 0.11%
Maryland 0.62% 0.86% 0.57%
Massachusetts 2.06% 1.88% 0.54%
Michigan 1.93% 1.11% 1.02%
Minnesota 0.24% 1.46% 1.53%
Mississippi 0.14%
Missouri 0.39% 0.87% 1.51%
Montana 0.06% 0.10%
Nebraska 0.02% 0.53%
Nevada 0.68%
New Hampshire 0.24% 0.16% 0.42%
New Jersey 5.34% 4.34% 3.65%
New Mexico
New York 17.69% 12.15% 6.95%
North Carolina 0.21% 1.53% 1.14%
North Dakota
Ohio 0.97% 2.50% 4.05%
Oklahoma 0.69% 2.75% 0.15%
Oregon 0.90% 0.12% 0.51%
Pennsylvania 5.60% 2.28% 6.40%
Puerto Rico 7.68% 12.29% 7.76%
Rhode Island 0.20%
South Carolina 1.16% 0.12% 0.51%
South Dakota
Tennessee 0.24% 0.49% 0.45%
Texas 4.80% 6.61% 5.17%
Utah 1.94% 0.89% 0.30%
Virginia 2.77% 2.68% 4.80%
Washington 0.68% 1.16% 0.76%
West Virginia 0.24%
Wisconsin 1.60% 0.39% 3.25%
Wyoming 0.05%
Guam 0.08% 0.23% 0.02%
Virgin Islands

Percentage of interest income earned on municipal obligations, state by state, for 2021

Fund Source of income
Delaware Tax-Free Arizona Fund Arizona: 82.84%
Puerto Rico: 16.83%
Guam: 0.33%
Delaware Tax-Free California Fund California: 86.74%
Texas: 0.05%
Wisconsin: 0.23%
Puerto Rico: 12.44%
Guam: 0.32%
Virgin Islands: 0.22%
Delaware Tax-Free Colorado Fund Colorado: 88.32%
Puerto Rico: 8.84%
Guam: 2.20%
Virgin Islands: 0.64%
Delaware Tax-Free Idaho Fund Idaho: 81.16%
Puerto Rico: 15.08%
Guam: 3.76%
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Minnesota: 95.81%
Puerto Rico: 4.19% 
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund Minnesota: 96.17%
Puerto Rico: 2.88%
Guam: 0.40%
Virgin Islands: 0.55%
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund Minnesota: 95.76%
Puerto Rico: 3.57%
Guam: 0.67%
Delaware Tax-Free New Jersey Fund New Jersey: 82.61%
New York: 0.46%
Pennsylvania: 3.16%
Puerto Rico: 1.09%
Guam: 1.21%
Virgin Islands: 11.47%
Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund New York: 88.27%
Puerto Rico: 10.66%
Guam: 0.94%
Virgin Islands: 0.13%
Delaware Tax-Free Oregon Fund Oregon: 87.32%
Puerto Rico: 10.97%
Guam: 1.02%
Virgin Islands: 0.69%
Delaware Tax-Free Pennsylvania Fund Pennsylvania: 86.01%
Puerto Rico: 13.99%

The information contained in the Tax Center is not intended to be legal or tax advice. If you need assistance preparing your tax return, please consult a tax advisor.

Information may be abridged and therefore incomplete. Any discussion pertaining to taxes in this communication (including attachments) may be part of the promotion or marketing of a product. Advice (if any) related to federal taxes that is contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code. Individuals should seek advice based on their own particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.